NEC Wellington.
Innovation Centre
1460m2, 90 staff
Workplace Strategy, Full Interior Design Services, Project & Construction Management
Photography by David Hamilton
Commercial Trends
As one of the world’s leading providers of communications networks and IT solutions, NEC wanted to ensure it’s Wellington head office reflected its role, championed its technology, nurtured its staff and inspired its clients.
With a client focused on innovation, Custance created new ways to employ and showcase NEC’s technology. On entering, a stimulating interactive space reveals a technology playground, showcasing the best high tech, soft touch design principles.
Accommodating 90 staff, the creative use of space, materials and decorative enhancements create a myriad of meeting and exchange spaces, with integrated screen based technology within arms reach. Throughout, this is a place of discovery and surprises, with the subtle integration of materials and form encouraging natural cohesion and energised interaction.
“Custance enthusiastically accepted the brief and proceeded to create a visionary and unique environment where our people can share their knowledge of our products and technologies to help transform our company into a more solution focused organisation. This transition was apparent almost immediately.”
— Peter Davies CFO, NEC