Deloitte Dunedin.
Workplace & Client Facility
960m2, 85 staff
Full Interior Design Services, Project & Construction Management
Photography by Graham Warman
Bronze Winner of the 2021 Best Awards for Offices & Workplace Environments
Deloitte Dunedin sought to consolidate from two floors to one, improve amenities and maintain same staff numbers. Their tight knit culture is reflected in the new layout, where office hierarchy is minimised with a central open plan work space and transparent office pods. A previously isolated reception is now at the heart of the space and panoramic views of the city are enjoyed throughout.
Upon entry, a green logo wall guides guests to a circular reception hub surrounded by boardrooms, meeting rooms and a café. Large sliding doors allow the whole space to be opened up for events or closed for desired functions. Skylights and light features highlight a simple and direct circulation, while clear site lines are carried throughout the office. A play of transparency through vertical elements provide both openness and privacy.
A modern approach to timeless detailing and materials of stone, wood and brass echo the classic architecture of Dunedin while green accents add a natural softness and vibrance.
Walk through.
Video by Graham Warman Photography
“I was very happy as a client to have experienced your company’s design vision, capability & drive in bringing it all together on our Deloitte Dunedin fit out. You made the process simple, inclusive and enjoyable.”
— Kathy Ngatai Commercial Director, Deloitte NZ